We are delighful to announce that Quantum Filmmaking has been invited to participate in the First International Tech Week in Sao Paulo (Brazil), that will be held during the first week of November 2015.
As part of the Mobilab program coordinated by Ciro Biderman, we will be performing the MOMENT 16 for the project NOW&HERE = EVERYWHERE, entangling people internationally into co-creation through their camera-phones For the Arts’ Sake! In the project we co-create and re-create simultaneous moments happening in different points of Planet Earth, while celebrating and inter-connecting cultural diversity.
We will be co-creating MOMENT 16 on:
FRIDAY 6TH NOVEMBER 2015 at 4pm DST Sao Paulo (Brazil) / 6 pm GMT (UK).
Please convert the time to your Local Time Zone.
MOMENT 16 will be shown on 9th November at the Mobilab exhibition, curated by Jussara Felix Figueredo. As usual, all the participating artists will be credited in the artwork.
Mobilab address: Rua Boa Vista 136, Sao Paulo 01014-000
Be original! ♥ To participate you just need to make a 30 second film with your camera-phone of YOUR CHOICE in the PLACE you are at that precise date and time. Then, send it straight away, along with the name of the CITY, by e-mail to:
info@now-here-everywhere.o rg.uk
If you prefer to send your videos via WhatsApp, please text the word 'NOW' with your name to this number +447449494812, and you will be added to the group we have created. Your number will not be shared with third parties or used for commercial purposes.
[ Disclaimer: All the participating artists will be credited on the project. Only the video-clips produced at the announced date and time will be considered.
By participating in the project you are confirming that you have all the rights to publish the videos and you are allowing us their exhibition.
For + info: www.quantum-filmmaking.org.uk ]
As part of the Mobilab program coordinated by Ciro Biderman, we will be performing the MOMENT 16 for the project NOW&HERE = EVERYWHERE, entangling people internationally into co-creation through their camera-phones For the Arts’ Sake! In the project we co-create and re-create simultaneous moments happening in different points of Planet Earth, while celebrating and inter-connecting cultural diversity.
We will be co-creating MOMENT 16 on:
FRIDAY 6TH NOVEMBER 2015 at 4pm DST Sao Paulo (Brazil) / 6 pm GMT (UK).
Please convert the time to your Local Time Zone.
MOMENT 16 will be shown on 9th November at the Mobilab exhibition, curated by Jussara Felix Figueredo. As usual, all the participating artists will be credited in the artwork.
Mobilab address: Rua Boa Vista 136, Sao Paulo 01014-000
Be original! ♥ To participate you just need to make a 30 second film with your camera-phone of YOUR CHOICE in the PLACE you are at that precise date and time. Then, send it straight away, along with the name of the CITY, by e-mail to:
If you prefer to send your videos via WhatsApp, please text the word 'NOW' with your name to this number +447449494812, and you will be added to the group we have created. Your number will not be shared with third parties or used for commercial purposes.
[ Disclaimer: All the participating artists will be credited on the project. Only the video-clips produced at the announced date and time will be considered.
By participating in the project you are confirming that you have all the rights to publish the videos and you are allowing us their exhibition.
For + info: www.quantum-filmmaking.org.uk ]